Powered By Romans 15:5-6

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Donation Setting

Kingdom Building

Donations / Terms of Honor/ Requirements

With those of the faith who receives the prophecy scripture in Romans 15:5-6, join our missionary of saints. We’re leading a world wide tour to glorify God by one cup in the US States and beyond! It is a ministry of ‘one voice’ which requires a minimal of 31,102 (all Bible verses). Join the assembly, side by side of those who’ll be reciting/singing God’s Word for two minutes or less into God’s Ears! This is a on purpose cryout  to glorify God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, simultaneously!

If you do not believe the above paragraph stop here and discard all of our materials and enjoy the day.

We’re inviting you to operate your own ‘Sub Office Altar’ in partnership with the Preach1 Foundation. Your Sub Office will grant you the liberty to distribute promotional items; such as, flyers, mailers and posters. Operators will also be granted permission to sale promotional items, such as mementos and make executive decisions like a business owner over your ministry. This can be done through fundraiser’s, home visits and or campaigns for prospects anywhere God is. This position allows all sponsors to facilitate their meetings, recruit additional members to the Kingdom work and even collect donations. Sub Office managers can empower their workers to collect donations under their given registration account number and retaining 50% of all the donations they raise minus fees. Participate in the work of publishing believers names with a Bible verse. Our main office No. 248-802-1900, 248-739-6983 and email: info@preach1.com can be used for resource information to operate your Sub-Office successfully.

Good fruit subjects to this ministry

1. Use your resources to advance people by moving them through your platforms such as a school, church, store, restaurant, etc. Perhaps you may have windows, walls, counter tops, and even floor space where poster displays can be used.

2. Organized area to explain the mission of our forum. An Internet connection via any device capable of communicating over the Internet to sign up participants.

3. Use one of our related themes: Preach1 Day, Hate Free City, 1Humanbible.com, InstallAverse.com, Getrightchurch.com etc. to grow your ministry awareness.

4. You’ll have freedom range of content within the Bible, making your ministry purpose known by purposing a domain name thru JumperX.com and we’ll link your domain name to the ‘ Preach1 Foundation Mother Funnel Bible’.

5. Get registered today at Preach1.com then click the ‘Sponsor link’ here or on our homepage and following through the simple steps.

6. You can express any concerns by writing or emailing to our main office and we’ll get back with you. Whatever we do, let it be our glory to the Lord; 1 Corinthians 10:31.

Please Note: Donations are sometimes given without a subscriber entry. These donations are also offerings requiring its share in the 50/50 donation forum.