To glorify God was always a mis-understood call to order, that man couldn’t interpret this duty before the 21st century. Today, the living is given the challenged to carry out a ‘glorify order for God’ through Jesus Christ and using God’s one voice. The saints was confused of the work to glorify God until God showed a individual the ordinance work giving to the call such duty. After more than 2000 years later, God reveals the wisdom to glorify Him and anointed His man of God through the scripture at Romans 15:6. The order to glorify the Father was given to those in Christ Jesus at John 14:13. But even then it would take time to come to the public with the underling prophecy of God’s one-voice. After giving the ordinance from the Lord in year 2000 it would still take 10 years later to lay the foundation for God’s people to move in the principles to glorify Him with a minimal of 31,102 saints in a crowd, reciting all bible verses of God’s Word given to mankind in bible form. The work that Jesus asked of the disciples can only be done in the light of day with witnesses, that God may speak audible from heaven to earth (based of John 12:28) as God have said that He’ll do it again when glorified again.
All Battlefield Christians, glorifies God in their death (John 21:19) leaving a pass but no testimony afterwards. But if we go by the way of Romans 15:6 we will have witnesses and a testimony of proof that we glorified God.
The Preach1 Ministry comes to bring the awareness to lands that the Lord is waiting his saints to glorify the Father in heaven now that we have the means through all scriptures, we may do so.
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