All mankind living on earth since Jesus 1st birthday, are born Christian. We’ve come to give glory to God and some may glorify Him, with the others who are called Saints. The Preach1 Ministry have cloned Saturdays to be our day to evangelize in the community. In our preparedness we ask God’s People to select any available bible verse, log it into our online bible(, learn your selected verse to heart and on each Saturday go out and recite your verse to anyone in the public who’ll listen. Now this is only a fragment of what a Saint does to honor God, reverencing Romans 15:6. But, until we all come together to voice our verses as ‘One Human Bible’ ( and be witnessed in public, bringing a glorifying awareness to God’s Kingdom(Earth). And still, it’s always better to participate as a stand alone Saint, than to be left as a Christian(1Peter 4:16).

People of God, foreign and domestic can join us on our sponsor page: Sponsor Please note; any verse can be entered onto this form, but if the verse is taken in the final bible column, you are going to be called or emailed to make a small donation so we can make an update in our files for you.