Let’s take up our cross and glorify God at once!
The cross, being a word of God’s Word. Where all men have rights to take up their cross (bible verse(s)) for delivery of voice into God’s Ears. Remembering the assignments to
where at least one verse will be recited by each believer in duty to glorify God at the gathering of ‘The Glorify’.Looking to glorify God at your church, it’ll never happen. For the ways of God’s consent is without vanity among the religious, which are impartial by denominations, even though all know that God’s Word is solid for use. To glorify God is a public work with likeminded believers in assembly to recite.
Paradise is a house of God’s mansions, know this day if you’re going to follow Jesus there or be led by men who points the way. However, don’t bypass the gathering at ‘The Glorify’ of Romans 15:6.
It may occur to some, that Christians may have been around too long, in the face of everyone but the Lord. You may begin to think, perhaps it’s time to build a relationship with God by the quakes felt in your stomach when the Lord calls you.
You may be a member in a growing church, but you are destined for a greater call than what you’re doing for the Lord. When you know that it’s time, also make sure that you’re ready to break free, and jump into the bosom of Jesus, there will be work waiting your gospel outreach. Once you are called, don’t let the wheel cage stop before getting off, but jump off, letting nothing hold you back, this time!
Jesus asked us (disciples) to participate in ‘The Glorify’ of Romans 15:6: that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
In closing remarks, when the church really loves Jesus, here’s what people would do to show transparence across all members to Glorify God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ at Romans 15:6, until God speaks from Heaven to Earth base on John 12:28. There will be those who are granted to live in God’s harmony/unity (away from violence, tragedies and persecutions) can do so as offered by Romans 15:5.