Divine Assignment Messenger

Our duty to server
Knowing when you’re called

The Preach1 Foundation is the gospel preached outside of church buildings, that we may not build upon another man’s foundation. For over 2000 years there wasn’t an assigned prophet to do the work of Romans 15:5-6 until Larry Denson was summons to bring the duty by decency and order to glorify God with His believers,  as they are Saints.

Many Ask; how are you planning a get all 31,102 Saint to one location to recite one bible verse, all together?

We shall glorify our God by His one-voice.

We shall glorify our God with Saints.

It’s the hour of the Saints, for they have a eagerness (keenness) to deliver their enthusiasm for glorifying God by His consent Word given to those who’ll honor the work at Romans 15:6 to do good where God is glorified by His ‘One Voice’.  Whereby some Christians may shy away from the onset public viewing.

Hedge of Protection Living

As Saints, we are no better than Christians, however we are better off. We are asking you to follow us through Romans 15:5-6, but you must believe you are a Saint for written purposes to Saints (a hope for Christians). We find that being a Christian is safe for being saved for Kingdom usages. There are some distinctive activities Christians won’t do if you put one in the spot light(Peter while Christian denied Jesus), however Saints will upheld their position of a more excellent believer. 

The art of a Saint is simple, through initiation you can be a Saint in less than 24 hours once activated. The beginner must know the rules and do not break rank of their installment into its natural then spiritual workings.

How to be a Saint
Click picture above

For God to deliver you into the like minded status in harmony and unity with His Saints; click the graphic above and step through it as we are fitting to bring you into a decent and in order gospel prophecy of Romans 15:5-6, it is our expression to glorify the Father and God of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.

The path of Christians are to suffer even in their good works.

Fear this
Christians fearing