One-Voice Grand Finale

I come to you in my given powers and strength of our Lord Christ Jesus, that you may not miss your chance to glorify God and live to tell of it. Jesus’ offer is this; that He’ll do whatever you ask of Him (based on John 14:13), that we will glorify His Father in Heaven.
This is an incitive to glorify God by scripture on a day called Preach1 Day.

This post is notice that God has never been glorified by the consent given by the scripture of Romans 15:5-6. The prophecy was divinely given to a man of God; named Larry Denson, who started this ministry and called it the Preach1 Foundation and published the website at for all to learn of him and the mission to get God glorified by one-voice.

The ministry brough on the challenge to make all scriptures available in the bible, for a cluster of links to pair 31102 people names to a bible verse. God gives His grant of harmony/unity to hold a position with those who’ll prepare for the Grand Finale to Glorify God’s One-voice.

This word that we preach to glorify God is by God’s consent given in the bible, it’s not popular on the pulpits of our churches yet, but as it comes to light by those of us who understand Romans 15:6, and these ones won’t brake rank for lesser matters, but follow through the calling to be God’s Glorifiers.

To glorify God is the highest bar, even over the bar to love God. Those wanting God to have more of them are asked to join us to Glorify God. You may sign up at

The grant that God has for the Glorifiers is in Romans 15:5 and their duties is at Romans 15:6. We know of no other scriptures giving with consent to mankind to glorify God in the new covenant.


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