The Movement in Matthews Chapter10

As we know that some paths we take on behalf of the Lord, could not be warranted by ‘They Sayers’ standards. It is good to have a visiting elder speak wisdom into your ears to comfort you. But some issues will push you out an a limb that’s never been taken before you. Once you are on the outskirts of your dreams some far reaching activities may come to mind, following your own free will may not be the right answer, the thought that the Lord only knows, may be your only way through.

Jesus gave believers a great incentive to turn keys in heaven by His disciples who were given the grace to bind and loose rewards from heaven. The graphic below is  a lead-in word binding document to follow for your placement in the kingdom. These are just some of the high stakes I wouldn’t pass up while seeking my high tower and my refuge.

Disciples Rewards in Heaven
Rewards in Heaven

This document was not made without divine discernment of the spirit and Matthews Chapter 10.

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