The challenge

20st century Ark
Who will ride in the Ark of the 21st century?

You are being challenged to recite a Bible verse publicly at the seen of a free standing microphone and stand. Two minutes was the allowed time to preach/sing/act-out your verse, how well did you do, did anyone say Amen?

The challenge to glorify God by His Word including the verse that tells us how to glorify God at Romans 15:5-6 is in order here. Taking Romans 15:6 apart we found that there are 31,102 scriptures with verses for the bible as given to us for our edification to be in God’s perfect peace on planet earth.  As the reference goes to glorify God, we give a opening in preparedness to come away from earthly activities to express are faith to honor God at riverside places to recite a verse of God in the atmosphere, we are them who ensure God’s Word will be spoken from heart and not returning back to Him void. We believe God tags this assembly with a grant to begin in harmony to live as given at Romans 15:5 to these faithful ones.

You may ask where did the initiative come from, and when were men asked to glorify God by His name? Our response to this prophecy is set in stone, please read through our notes to glorify God below.

God’s Challenge

In the above message we like to ask you; when you praise God, did you have a hope that God see’s you?

We believe when we recite a Bible verse of God’s Word back to Him publicly outside (no walls or ceilings), He hears us with an offering of love. We further believe when the assembly of these one-voice preachers come and gather to speak, ‘this saith God’ that the Lord will surely be in the mist of them as a saving grace who perfects us from God’s Enemies. This is a sure break in the case ‘can you handle the truth’.


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