Your name found in the Book of Life?

If you are not 100% sure that your name is in the book of life, please read on.

Please note that God gives us the strength to write our name in the Book of life. The name ‘Book of Life‘ has long ago vanished from earth’s libraries and replaced with a name called ‘The Holy Bible‘, which is a book rewritten by wise man for a publication to be distribute as a Book of Life.

Please note that a Glorifier is a person who publicly joins the mission with those who will participate in Romans 15:6 to glorify God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Let us help you through the how-to scripture that’s needed for a safe deterrent from the lake of fire.  You may have read that God is going to throw those not having their name written in the book of life. It’s a true message to all mankind to take heed to the scripture at Rev 20:15. What we want you to know is that the book of life are the scriptures of the published Preach1Bible, by being a public Holy Bible of all scriptures. It’s a website where our Preach1Bible waits on believer’s entries to append their name to a bible scripture on demand.

There is a twofold reason why we do our public ministry assignments by internet, phone and in public view, that we don’t put a level between hesitant men and those wanting to be included right now. The link below is our confirmation gift to mankind who wants to be listed in the Book of Life and in the assembly where we will glorify God by the gift to enter as Glorifiers. Start here.

After the anointed one, Larry Denson, was given knowledge to have an intake portal for brothers, sisters and neighbors who’ll join with the host assembly through Romans 15:6 to glorify God’s One-voice.
This post should be enough for even a milk fed Christian to join the Glorifiers (based on John 14:13) who would want to glorify God’s One-voice and enter their name into the Book of Life thru our form published at, based on Romans 15:5-6.

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